Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Motivate Me!

I can't say what my motivation was behind starting the South Beach Diet. I guess there was a lot of reasons but something inside me felt different this time, I felt like I could do it. I wasn't doing this for an occasion or for someone else, I was doing it for me. I decided to make a change before I was put into a situation where I had to for medical, health, or any other reason. What was my motivation? I guess it was me!

It's my life, my body, my health, so why shouldn't I be the one to motivate myself. I have stumbled across something else that's been a good motivator when I have a moment or temptation where I'm struggling. The current issue of Good Housekeeping has an article called Food Critic. Bottom line, there are lots of food critics in your life. People who want to weigh in, comment and judge what you eat or do and how you do it. They may say cruel, hurtful things and claim to do it in love but there are better ways to support people. The author of the article is Geneen Roth. She has a good site that I've been reading through and several books that I haven't read but if you need some motivation for a change, check it out!

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