Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Faith in Action

I'm not a minister, theologist or extremely knowledgeable of the Bible but I do know a little something about faith and I've seen faith in action lately, like never before.

A dear from of mine, from years ago, and I recently reconnected and she told me how her and her husband along with their child had felt called into foreign ministry. They are currently selling belongings, packing and praying for the journey ahead and I've found myself wondering, could I do the same thing? Although they are in a very different place (and location) they are leaving everything that is "home" to them to set off on a journey like never before. That is faith in action to me and I pray for them daily. They have had love and support, criticism and critics and I pray for their upcoming journey and strength as they prepare.

Another friend of mine found a lump in her breast, is younger than 30 and within 2 weeks of finding it had a double mastectomy and started chemo. As a young woman, mother and wife she has encountered things that I cannot imagine but she has never doubted her faith or questioned, why me. Since she has no family history and I've wondered, what if it was me, would me faith carry me through as it has her? She prays for healing and comfort but also for those who she met in and out of doctors offices and hospitals and she has a level of understanding that amazes me. I find myself praying for her a lot in every aspect I can think of, from financial debt (being sick is expensive!) to peace, to strength to sunny days. She has thrown away her rose colored glasses and know life isn't perfect but has an internal strength that I truly admire.

I don't tell these stories to make anyone sad or depressed because these people aren't. They have good days and bad but their faith and strength carries them through. I often feel like I have a faith meter and some days it's all the way at the top, ringing an imaginary bell like a carnival game, then other days it's just halfway there, then on some days it feels like the bottom wants to fall out and it takes a little more prayer to get things climbing, but it always climbs and when it's at the top, it's an amazing view.

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