Monday, May 18, 2009

South Beach Success

I'm writing about a topic that is really DANGEROUS...dieting.

Not just any diet since I'm not an expert, a doctor, a nutritionist, you get the idea. I am a person who needed to make some big improvements in my lifestyle and eating habits so for two weeks now I've been on the South Beach Diet.

It all started about three weeks ago when I went to the Trash to Treasure party that I posted about and an aunt mentioned to me that she was trying it and she's been doing great! The week that followed I read the book, went to the grocery (reading labels takes awhile!) and made a commitment to myself. Two weeks later I am through Phase 1 and down 10+ lbs! More than the scale I feel better and no longer have those CRAZY carb cravings. I used to have a bagel or instant oatmeal for breakfast, crackers for a snack, a sandwich for lunch, feel like I needed something sweet in the afternoon then a well rounded dinner...that had more carbs. I won't lie that the first two days of NO CARBS was not easy but I did it and knew that if I could make it through the first week I could do it and I have. It doesn't even feel like a diet, more like a lifestyle change.

If you are doing, or have done, South Beach I'd love to hear from you. For at least the next month I'll be posting daily comments, tips, helpful hints and things I've discovered so far. I'm not trying to fit into a bikini, run a marathon or fit into "skinny jeans", I just want to feel better about myself and be a living example to the kind of eating habits I want my daughter to have.

Tip - Sometimes you've got to cheat!
If I am craving a piece of that Easter candy that's been hanging around, I drink a glass of water, wait at least 30 minutes and if I'm still craving it, I eat it! Chances are one piece will cure the craving, I'll get over it and instead of eating hundreds of calories trying to suppress it and still eating the candy, doing it and moving on will make me feel like I splurged and satisfy craving!

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