Friday, June 5, 2009

Familiar with Flax?

Do you eat flax seeds? I hadn't until recently and after doing a little googling I'm learning that the health benefits are amazing!
For example...
They contain almost no glycemic carbohydrates so I can add it to meals to moderate spikes in blood sugar. I can add it to muffins, sprinkle some on yogurt (instead of granola), add it to cereal or salads. They have a mild nutty flavor and a great taste!

Plus, one tablespoon of milled flax seed contains approximately 1.5 grams of ALA, an essential Omega-3 fatty acid. (Recommended daily intake of ALA is 1.3 grams.) It's also a great source of fiber, protein and lots of other things!
If you cook with flax seeds, what recipes do you have?


  1. Your post reminded me that I have a box of milled flax seed in my pantry, so I dug it out and made some Wheat-Flax bread with it. I replace 1/2 cup of the wheat flour with flax seeds and it gives the bread a nice nutty flavor and an extra healthy kick. Good tip!

  2. I always forget about adding something like this to recipes. Thanks for the reminder!
