Thursday, July 2, 2009

My good idea made $50!

What could you do with $50? I know I could make it go a lot further than I used to and I'm sure anyone who is watching budgets or bottom lines would agree. So how can you get an extra $50? Several years ago I had an idea to help keep track of library books when I checked them out (most print out "reciepts" now). After selecting all of my books, I'd stop at the copier, put all the books spine down and make a copy. I'd write the due date on the paper and stick it on the fridge, paying 10 cents for a copy was much less than late fees when I realized a month later that I forgot to return one of the books! I realized this was a good idea so I sent it to a magazine and about a month later I got a letter, a proof of the page that I had to confirm and upon returning that I got a $50 check in the mail!
If you're a thrifty mom who's a pro at saving dough, or have lots of good rainy day activities, or have households tips that you share with friends, why not share it with Family Circle and see what happens! Here's the link with more information and an email address.

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