Wednesday, August 26, 2009


My husband and I are celebrating our 9th anniversary today! It's hard to believe that 9 years have passed and that we are just one year from being married for a decade! WOW!

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I thought we wouldn't make it, both of our parents have remained married throughout all things good and bad so we have learned from the best. I do know there are some things I have learned through the years..
  • Marriage is a journey, not a destination. I hear so many couples who are engaged focus so much time and energy on their wedding and while that is important, the most important thing is that you are still going to be married at the end of that day, for better or worse!
  • Marriage is a contract between two people. Think about the vows you shared and what those words really mean, regardless of the number of years that have passed that contract is still legal and binding!
  • You are not the judge of your spouse. I make mistakes, my husband makes mistakes and chances are, we both know when we do it, I don't need him to remind me and I don't need to bring it to his attention. Our Heavenly Father is the only one qualified to judge me or my husband.
  • I have two "memory rooms" in my head. One of those rooms has all of the great things my husband does in it, the other one, the negative things. Both rooms have true things in them but I CHOOSE to spend time in the good room filled with happiness, thoughtfulness and memorable moments. That other room? That's to pray for my husband and the door stays closed.
  • Marriage is not easy but it's so worth it! The friendship, love, companionship, tenderness, helpfulness, sensitivity and so many other things are reasons why marriage works and is worth it. I understand it doesn't work for a lot of people but it does for me and I cherish my husband for the man that he is, the dreams that he has and the husband, father and man he commits himself to being.

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