Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Is Halloween BAD?

I was listening to the radio yesterday and, once again, was awestruck by something I heard.

The discussion was Halloween and how many Christians feel that it's a holiday they shouldn't celebrate but just like any other day of the year, God made that day too. Then the discussion went to the fact that many people believe that Halloween is the high holy day for those who worship Satan and that's not the case at all. Their high holy day is their birthday. That's right, whatever that persons birthday is, is their own personal high holy day and here's the point that really struck me. Satan doesn't care whether you worship him or not, he just wants you to worship something OTHER than God. It can by yourself, money, your job, your family, anything at all but make your life and your love all about you. Now how clever and deceptive is that? How many people do you know who say, I love Satan? Probably not many but whether they admit it or not, how people out there love the power that comes with their job, or the money they make at their job? The Bible even says that the LOVE is money is the root of all evil. Got that? Not money itself, God can use money for lots of good things and I firmly believe that those who use their money for Gods will and bless Him with it, will be blessed with more but you still shouldn't love the money but back to my original point...

I went to a Christian school and we had a fall festival and every church you drive by this time of year has signs for a fall festival or trunk-or-treating but I've not seen any that mention the word Halloween, since when is that a bad holiday or bad word? Personally, I really enjoy Halloween and I have no fear in saying that. I've blogged already about enjoying this time of year and Halloween is a part of that. Sure, I steer away from the "scary stuff" but I'm prone to nightmares and I've had my fill of haunted houses over the years.

So this year I will still carve a pumpkin, still dress up my little girl, smile at all the trick-or-treaters and enjoy the day because above all else, it's another day that God made and I will REJOICE and be glad in it! God Bless and Happy Halloween!

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