Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What a Mess!

I have a wonderful, creative and energetic 3yr old little girl and she often comes to me with knotted hair, some crumbs around her mouth, dirt smeared across her face, a runny nose, clothes that were only clean for the first 10 minutes she was wearing them and hands that have explored, touched and carried more things that I can imagine and in those moments she often wants my attention and a hug. As most moms can attest to, I don't drag her to the tub in those moments, I listen, watch, hug and sometimes wonder how long this will last before it's not my attention she wants or she's "too big" for a hug from mom.

Just like I cherish those moments and minutes I believe that God cherishes the times we come to Him. I believe he is content to watch us from a distant, like I am with my daughter or to hear from others the good work that was done but I believe when we come to Him, talk to Him, share with Him, ask Him to listen, help and guide that He savors those moments like any parent does with a child. Also like any parent He is willing to let us make mistakes, to let us learn the hard way, to figure it out, all the watching and knowing that He could fix it, stop it or guide us.

My daughter has a stubborn streak like so many do at her age but what's my excuse? Why can't I let go and let God more than I do? When do we start "knowing better" and asking first? I don't have answers to these questions but I see the child in her and am reminded of the child I am to God, with my dirty hands and messy face, He is always there and willing.

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