Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mom Moment

After another weekly trip to the grocery store I've decided that the designer of a shopping cart could have used a few suggestions.
I know there are some local stores that have carts with kid friendly seats on the back side of the cart so that older children can ride instead of walk. My daughter is still too young for those carts but watching those moms is like watching a school bus navigate the isles with the wide turning radius they need.
There is another local store who has added sanitizing wipes at the door so you can swipe and wipe before your child gets every germ on every hand that has touched the bar of that cart you're using.
Yet another local store has added race cars to the front of their carts, some with video players so that your child can be occupied with the movie of your choice while you shop. Now those videos aren't free but the couple of dollars you spend might save you from making a second trip to the store.
Anyway, we weren't at one of those stores. We were at our regular grocery store with standard carts and my curious toddler was again faced with the boredom of facing me the entire time if she sat in the seat the way it was designed. My question is, why can't those child seats face the other way? How simple would that be? I'm sure someone out there knows the reason but being a mom with a mountain of groceries I have to wonder, how long will some of us be picking up our cases of water or diapers, pushing them against the back side of the cart for our child to sit on, like a bench seat, so they can see the rest of the world at the grocery store?

1 comment:

  1. So true, they need some moms designing these things. Sounds like there's a need and a future in there for a mom to design such a product to sell to the masses. ;)
