Sunday, March 22, 2009

Raising a Girl

I found this about two years ago online, just after I found out that I was expecting a girl. I've kept it in her room since then and, although I don't know the writer, it describes so many of my thoughts and fears of raising a daughter.

I won't always be able to protect her from others, but I hope to protect her from herself.
I hope that I can instill in her a love for herself.
I want her to look in the mirror and see somebody beautiful, I don't want to transfer my own self image issues.
I hope that I can teach her how to deflect harsh words.
I hope that I can teach her courage. There are so many opportunities in life I hope she can pursue because she's brave.
I hope to be able help her silence that voice in her head that tells her, "it's too hard" or "you can't do it" because she can.
I hope that she will feel empathy. I hope she can learn to forgive.
When others are hurting, I hope she will choose to help and not be one to kick them further down.
I hope that she will grow to be independent, but allow others to guide her and assist her when needed.
I hope she will learn when to ask for help.
I hope that I can teach her to persevere.
When she doesn't succeed at something, I hope to help her try again. And again. I've know defeat and let it win.
I want her to know defeat and beat it!
I hope that her self worth will be based on her accomplishments and successes.
A man in her life should not be a determining factor in how happy she can be.
I hope that she will remember her friends and not give them up for a temporary relationship.
I hope she sees how her dad loves me.
She should know that true love doesn't hurt.
I hope she will how much she is loved.
We are her family.
She needs me.
She needs me becuase I've been there and felt that hurt and felt the joys.
I hope that I'm up for that challenge.
I hope that I can accept her for who she becomes.


  1. That is so incredible!! I'd love to use it for my little Pea!!

  2. Hey, that's great! Just having a baby girl, it really hits home. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'll be sure to look for that Newsweek article!

  3. That is sweet! I should print that up too!
